Frequently Asked Questions

What is Socks! ?

Socks! is a card game about…you guessed it, socks. Specifically, the reason why odd socks happen.

How can I buy Socks! ?

We’re currently preparing for our Kickstarter campaign, so keep an eye out on the landing page… coz IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN 

Who can play Socks! ?

Well, anyone really – as long as you can understand what’s written on the cards. ‘Coz that’s where most of the rules are.

Officially, we’re rating the game for ages 5 and up…but we can’t rate player behaviours (and language) so… *shrugs*

How long does it take to learn and play the game?

We’d say about 15 minutes – be it you’re noobs or seasoned players. That said, we have a few house-rule that can either speed up or slow down the game… Apply said rules at your own peril.

Who…or what…are Gobs?

Shh…you’re not suppose to know about them!